About Us
Big Blue Bullfrog was founded in 2006 and is owned and operated by 33 Dimensions LLC. The site (BigBlueBullfrog.com) was conceived of and designed by Ric Albano as an online vehicle to showcase the writings of his son J.D. Cook, who was still in high school at the time. It was originally written in classic ASP on the windows server platform and got its title from a play on the author’s first name (“Jeremiah was a Bullfrog”) as well as his love of the New York Football Giants, commonly referred to as “Big Blue”.

For the first few years the site consisted exclusively of content by J.D. Cook, including short stories, novellas, and entertainment reviews. When Cook moved on to college at St. John’s University in 2009, 33 Dimensions developed a second site, BigBlueBullfrog.org using WordPress and a PHP/Linux platform, so that the author could post and edit his own articles. For about two years, Big Blue Bullfrog operated as two, interconnected sites until the original, .com site was fully redesigned during the summer of 2011, as a new WordPress site with rich functionality.
Since the “re-launch” of Big Blue Bullfrog on August 30, 2011, it experienced exceptional growth in content, authors, and viewership. The site posted several articles a week on a vast amount of subjects ranging from politics to entertainment to opinion to NFL football.
In January 2015, J.D. Cook launched Comics Movies Game to focus solely on Geek subject matter. He subsequently stopped work on BigBlueBullfrog.com. Since then, he completed his masters in Writing Popular Fiction and now operates his own personal website JeremiahDylanCook.com, where he documents his writers journey.
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We are constantly looking to expand! If you’d like to be an author or contributor to Big Blue Bullfrog, please email Ric Albano at ric@33dimensions.com.
Site owned and operated by:
33Dimensions LLC
Middletown, PA
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